Friday, Saturday, Sunday…
Hello !
Analysis of Fear
Fear is Crippling.
It the stumbling block before you achieve your Grand Success.
To overcome Fear, Understand this..
Fear means to suffer what may or may not happen in the future.
It is a consequence of mixing up three things :
1. Your memory
2. Your present experience
3. Your imagination
Check Any One Fear which you are experiencing with these parameters and you will get an access to overcome that Fear !
Killing Procrastination
Most People are Ambitious, Motivated, Hard-working and Determined.
But only 2 % are able to Kill Procrastination and Take Massive & Consistent Actions.
In order to Kill Procrastination, you have to understand the Connection between your Mind & Body.
We will never act on an idea which is just sitting in our Conscious Mind, or our Thinking Mind.
Unless, we are able to impress that idea in our Sub-Conscious Mind, or our Emotional Mind,
Understand this Connection, Get Emotionally Involved with Your Idea.
Start Taking Massive Actions.
Kill Procrastination!
Envy is Ignorance, Imitation is Suicide
When we Envy others, we are demonstrating our Ignorance.
Ignorance of the fact that we are Unique.
Our Spiritual DNA is perfect.
We don’t need to compare ourselves with anyone.
When we Imitate others, its Suicidal.
We are killing our own innate talents, abilities and skills.
Our own uniqueness.
Eliminate Envy & Imitation from your life.
Be Yourself !
Are You Going To Think on these 3 Ideas this weekend?