Three Ideas For This Friday, Saturday, Sunday…
All Successful People work on developing these 4 Virtues:
- Courage
- Temperance
- Justice
- Wisdom
Courage is one Virtue which you cannot neglect.
It is demonstrated in a variety of ways viz.
- Bravery
- Fortitude
- Honour
- Sacrifice
Are you demonstrating Courage in your Daily Routine?
Difference Between Being Scared v/s Fearful
Most People Equate being Scared and being Fearful as same.
Big Mistake !
A scare is a temporary rush of a feeling.
It helps you– makes you alert, wakes you up, informs you of danger.
Fear, on the other hand is a state of being.
It drags you down, weakens you, even paralyzes you.
It holds you back.
Its ok to feel scared momentarily.
But allowing Fear to rule us is a disgrace.
The Power of Choice
As its said, failing not to have a choice, is also a choice.
You have voted for the status quo.
Its a daily battle.
Being Selfish v/s Selfless ?
Being Brave v/s Afraid ?
Strong v/s Weak ?
Wise v/s Stupid ?
Courage v/s Conformity ?
Knowledge v/s Ignorance ?
Lets Connect These Three Ideas
Have Courage ; Overcome Fear; Make a Choice !
Today !
Everyday !
Sidharth Shah