I Will Never Ever Use A Credit Card Next Time !
Hello !
Debt is a merciless master !
A fatal enemy !
It Kills ambition.
Destroys Self-Confidence & Hope.
Using Credit Cards sometimes can prove insidious.
If not prudently used.
It starts in a small way and grows to enormous proportions.
Step by Step.
Until Finally it takes charge of one’s very soul !
Nisha Singh was a victim of Credit Card Debt.
Coming From Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.
20 plus years of Business Experience.
Leader with Amway.
But under the slavery of Credit Card Debt.
Even used his Brother’s Card !
(I am not going to ask how many of you have done something similar)
She enters the community of Think & Grow Rich.
Applies the World Class Principles of Success.
And Voila !
100 % Debt Free !!
Only a person who has experienced the burden of debt,
Craves the feeling of this Freedom.