Sidharth Shah's Newsletter

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Here are the previous editions of Think & Grow Rich Newsletter

  • Finally Calling It a Day, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] – A Fresh Start Begins Today! Hello Reader ! Yes ! Its finally over... Over the past four years, I’ve had the privilege of hosting complimentary support calls, Every Friday Evening at 8 pm. welcoming both paid members and guests. I distinctly remember in COVID-19. Its Friday 8 pm, 10th of April 2020. I am sitting at home in the lockdown. I start my 1st Support call Since then, I have impacted countless breakthroughs, supported thousands of participants, and grown together as a community. To date, I have hosted over 200...Read More...
  • 💰 3 Money Beliefs That Made Me Wealthy – Ready to Change Yours [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! Three Beliefs About Money Which Changed My Life.1st Belief:What You Earn, Will Make You Rich.What You Own, Will Make You Wealthy.I consciously calculate my net worth every 3 months shifting my focus from my quarterly sales.And this single change has resulted in multiplying my net worth. 2nd Belief:Richness Talks.Wealth Whisper.Newly Rich People Flaunt their Rich Lifestyle with High-end Sports Cars & Designer Clothes.Real Wealthy People Are Humble, Down to Earth & driven by...Read More...
  • 🚀 Turn Your Laptop into a Multi-Crore Startup Machine! 💻 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Never been a better time than now to build a startup. With a laptop & internet, you can: Create a website & Funnel cheaply Market it for free on social media- Meta & Google Drive free traffic Find customers you’ve never met Provide Immense Value Ensure Their Results & Build Raving Fans Generate Referrals Build a Community Double Down on the Momentum Only a few decades back, this would be pure nonsense talk 🙂 I did exactly the above 9 Steps and was able to build a multi-crore...Read More...
  • 💡 What's the The Power of ONE Thing 💡 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Andrew Carnegie said: “Put all your eggs in ONE basket, and then watch that basket.” In a world obsessed with multitasking, we’re losing the ability to focus on what truly matters. As Gary Keller rightly puts it, “Extraordinary results are determined by how narrow you can make your focus.” Ask yourself: Where is your concentration right now? Are you truly living in the moment or juggling too much? Success doesn’t come from scattered efforts. It comes from focused, intentional...Read More...
  • Where You Start is NOT Where You Have to Stay!🔥 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader !When I started my journey, I wasn’t where I wanted to be. But here’s the secret: Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.That’s what took me from where I was to building a multi-crore ed-tech company in just 1000 days. I focused on what I could become,not just what I could get. 💡 Here’s How I Did It💡- I learned that you attract who you become, not what you want. So I committed myself to massive personal growth, aligning my mindset with the success I desired.- Don’t...Read More...
  • 6 Life-Changing Truths: Discover the Wisdom That Transformed My Journey ! [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! 6 Life-Changing Truths: Discover the Wisdom That Transformed My Journey What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important. Peace is Happiness at Rest, Happiness is Peace in Motion. Don't focus on Peace of Mind, Rather, Focus on Peace from Mind A habit is a lifestyle to be lived, Not a finish line to be crossed Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle, or your middle to someone else's end. Those who know the truth learn to love it. Those who...Read More...
  • 😊🕊️ How to Find Instant Happiness & Peace without Struggling Hard ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Most people in the world waste their entire lifetime chasing Happiness & Peace. Unfortunately: - No Degree will coach you on How To Become Happy. - No University will Graduate you on How to Become Peaceful. As a Ranker Chartered Accountant and Gold Medalist MBA, I was struggling with my left brain to find happiness and peace. Many times, I justified that I was at peace. I rationalized that I was happy. Most of us are programmed by our strong intellect. With my high IQ, I...Read More...
  • ✨ Are You Really Progressing in Life? ✨ 😇 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! ✨ Are You Really Progressing in Life? ✨ I regularly assess my progress in these 10 areas of life, and I encourage all corporate professionals to do the same for a balanced and fulfilling career and personal life: 🏋️♂️ Physical Maintaining physical health is crucial for sustaining high performance at work. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are key to staying energized and focused. 2. 🧠 Mental Continuous learning and mental stimulation keep the mind sharp....Read More...
  • Three Powerful Lessons That Can Change Your Life ! 😇 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Three Powerful Lessons That Can Change Your Life ! 😇 1.🚀 Fear is not going to protect you. Action is 🚀 2. 🌟 Worrying is not going to protect you. Preparing is 🌟 3. 🧠 Overthinking is not going to protect you. Understanding is.🧠 Here’s how I applied these principles to build a multi-crore ed-tech company in just 1000 days: 1.Action over Fear: When I pivoted to online coaching, fear of failure loomed large. Instead of succumbing to it, I focused on taking bold steps. We conducted...Read More...
  • 🌟 Discovering Your Life Values: Your Personal Compass 🌟 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! 🌟 Discovering Your Life Values: Your Personal Compass 🌟 If you don’t know your true values, prepare for pain. 😔 Understanding your core values is like having a personal compass guiding you toward success and fulfillment. Here are the top 5 values that have driven my journey: 1. ❤️ Love: Building meaningful relationships. 2.🏆 Success: Achieving goals and milestones. 3.🕊️ Freedom: Enjoying the liberty to make choices. 4.🔒 Security: Feeling safe and protected. 5. 💪 Health:...Read More...
  • 💡 10 Ideas to Share that Changed My Life. 💡 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! 💡 10 Ideas to Share that Changed My Life. 💡 1.The happiest people aren’t problem-free; they are problem-solvers. 😊🔧 As a coach, I derive utmost happiness from solving the problems and challenges of my mentees. 2. Great leaders create more leaders, not followers. 🌱👥 Today in Think & Grow Rich Mastermind, we have created an army of coaches who selflessly support new members. 3. The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life. 🤝❤️ True richness comes from...Read More...
  • 🌟 Transform Your Reality with Dale Carnegie’s Timeless Wisdom 🌟 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Everyone wants to win friends. 😊 Everyone wants to influence people.😊 In fact, being an influencer is one of the most desired professions among youngsters. (Ask my son Agasthya Shah about it, who is himself in this space.) I related this Gen-Z concept with the all-time classic best-seller by Dale Carnegie: “How to Win Friends & Influence People.” I re-read the entire book and want to share with you the top 10 points with simple everyday examples that you can implement and get...Read More...
  • How to Trust Your Intuition to Achieve Your Goals? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 💡 At 4 PM on May 15th, 2016, amidst a hot and humid summer afternoon in Mumbai, I received an email.It was from the Napoleon Hill Foundation, USA. I had cleared Level 2 of my certification. Now, it was time to decide whether to go to the USA for Level 3 and complete my certification.Questions flooded my mind:📍Should I pivot and change tracks of my profession at the age of 40?📍What about my semi-comatose father who had been ill for the...Read More...
  • 💡Top 5 Lessons from Warren Buffet [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Top 5 Lessons From An Investor Worth More than $ 135 Billion 💡 🔹 Invest in Yourself 📚 “The best investment you can make is in yourself.” Warren Buffett emphasizes continuous learning and self-improvement. Even now, he dedicates his mornings to reading and researching until noon. 📖 (P.S. Inspired By Him, I am reading my 40th Book for this year) 🔹 Live Below Your Means 💵 Buffett advises living a simple life. Despite his immense wealth,...Read More...
  • 🚀 The Real Reason Behind Your Bad Habits [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 🚀 The Real Reason Behind Your Bad Habits Did you know that 90% of your daily actions are driven by habits? 🤯 From the moment you wake up until you go to bed, your day is filled with routine behaviors. These habits control your life, and breaking the bad ones can be incredibly challenging. Meet Srinivas from Bangalore, a 17-year IT veteran who struggled with obesity, chain-smoking, stress, anxiety, and financial issues. Despite...Read More...
  • 🌟Are You Rich or Poor [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? 🌟 You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 🌟 Are You Rich or Poor? 🌟“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.” – SenecaThis classic quote from Seneca deserves a place on every work desk. 💼In our mad rush to become rich, we sometimes forget the real distinction between being rich and being poor. Is a man with great possessions truly wealthy?Or is a man with fewer wants truly wealthy? 🤔We all know people who have tons of money, yet they are...Read More...
  • 🔴 What’s Your Greatest Danger? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 🔴 What’s Your Greatest Danger?🔴Is it losing your job and sitting jobless at home?🔴Is it your competition killing your business?🔴Is it the stock market crash?🔴Is it the loss of your reputation & goodwill?🔴Is it the loss of your health & vitality to a chronic illness?🔴Is it the loss of your loved ones & disharmony in relationships?🔴Or is it a combination of any of these?Ironically, it's none of the above.🔹 You can always get a new job.🔹...Read More...
  • 🌱 Are You Growing or Declining [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 🌱 Are You Growing or Declining? 🌱Everyone wants to grow in life:▶ Achieving Financial Freedom 💰▶ Achieving Time Freedom ⏰▶ Growing in Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, & Spiritual Needs 🌟However, most people are experiencing decline rather than growth. Why? 🤔Perhaps they are unaware of the difference between growth and decline:Growth is trading discomfort in the moment for satisfaction in the future.Decline is trading satisfaction in...Read More...
  • This common mistake is killing your goals—find out if you're guilty [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! This common mistake is killing your goals—find out if you're guilty!🌅 As I watch the beautiful sunset and embrace the twilight, a thought strikes me:Why do some people consistently manifest their goals while others, equally smart and intelligent, struggle?After coaching thousands in the Think & Grow Rich Mastermind on goal setting, I’ve uncovered a common blunder: Their goals aren't aligned with their habits.Let me Share My Example:📚...Read More...
  • The Unsung Hero Behind My Success: A Tribute to Shabbir Bhai 🌟 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Last week, as I stepped into Hotel Suba Galaxy, Mumbai, a wave of nostalgia hit me. It's where I began my coaching and training career, conducting countless seminars and workshops. But more than the place itself, it was Shabbir Bhai, the Head Banquet Manager, who made my return so emotional.For over 15 years, Shabbir Bhai has been more than just a manager to me. In my early days, when I was a one-man team lugging around bags filled...Read More...
  • Transform Your Tomorrow by The Power of What if [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 🔍 What if…These are only two words, yet they differentiate winners from losers. Same words, different time zones, completely different perspectives. 🔄 Reflecting on the past with "What if" often feels like dwelling on mistakes: What if I had the courage to live my true life? What if I had given more time to my family instead of working so hard? What if I had expressed my emotions? What if I had taken those chances? What if I had not...Read More...
  • Do You Know the Two Ways To Use Money 💰💰 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! There are two ways to Use Money1. Money can be used as a tool to live a better life. OR2. Money can be used as a yardstick of status to measure yourself against others. Let me share my experience for each of these two ways.Money when used as a tool gives me a decent lifestyle to live in.It buys the food, & the clothes. It provides a shelter which I call my home. It pays for the education of my boys. It pay’s my doctor’s Bill. It...Read More...
  • 7 Lessons From the Richest Billionaire 💰 Ever Lived on Planet Earth 💰 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Most sources agree that adjusting for inflation, John D. Rockefeller 💰 💰 (1839–1937) was the richest American in history in terms of wealth. He amassed a fortune of more than $425 billion💰 💰, adjusted to 2024.Here are 💰 John D. Rockefeller’s 💰 7 Lessons on 7 Different Perspectives: 💡Rockefeller on Philanthropy: Giving should be entered into in just the same way as investing. Giving is investing.💡Rockefeller on Hiring: I would rather...Read More...
  • How To Conquer Procrastination in 4 Simple Steps - (Do Not Procrastinate To Read This Email 😊) [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Procrastination is not about saving energy. It actually drains energy Procrastination is not about Prioritizing. It's actually controlling emotions. Finding The Root Cause is the Starting Point. The 4 simple steps to beat procrastination are: 1. Prioritize your tasks: Set clear goals for each day. Use the Eisenhower matrix. Stop Multitasking. 👉 In My Night Ritual, I Follow The Ivy Lee Method & I Write My Top 6 Actionable Steps for the...Read More...
  • How I Learnt to Live an Extraordinary Life? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! I am really humbled and privileged to coach hundreds and thousands of people in the last 8 years of my coaching career. I have interacted with people from varied backgrounds, cities, aspirations, and ambitions, I have interacted with people who have lost everything and are about to end their life. I have interacted with millionaires whom the world sees that they have accomplished everything in their life. I have interacted with...Read More...
  • 5 Ideas To Close Your Financial Year with a Bang ! [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Share this newsletter Via: WhatsApp LinkedIn, You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 1. Never Trade Reputation For Money. In the last 8 years, Think And Grow Rich Academy has earned the Gold-Standard in Coaching Industry. Because, I always consciously put Reputation Over Money. And When You Do That, Money Flows Automatically. 2. Money Loves Speed. Wealth Loves Time. Poverty Loves Indecision. This is a Classic Co-relation. 3. Money Flows to the person who needs it least. You...Read More...
  • 6 Ideas that Multiplied My Happiness [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Share this newsletter Via: WhatsApp LinkedIn, You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Sharing 6 Powerful Ideas that Multiplied My Happiness 1. Losers say I will do this, so I will be happy. Winners say I am happy, so now I will do this. 2. Stimulus does not create thought. I use the stimulus to create thought. 3. We are not human doings who do different things to be at peace. We are human beings at peace to do everything that needs to be done. (Watch My New Video Here To...Read More...
  • 7 Ideas That Changed My Life.... [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Share this newsletter Via: WhatsApp LinkedIn, You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Success is a few simple disciplines practiced everyday While failure is simply a few errors in judgement everyday (Watch This Video Where I Explain The Best Definition of Success) Where You Start is not where you have to stay Work hard on yourself than you work hard on your job. Don’t wish it was easier Wish you were better Don’t wish for less Problems Wish for more skills (Watch This...Read More...
  • What Separates Winners From Losers ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Share this newsletter Via: WhatsApp LinkedIn, You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Sharing My Perspective How within a short span of time, I Shifted My Mindset From a Winner to a Loser.A Loser’s Mindset is in the past or the future.A Winner’s Mindset is focused on the present and the now.A Loser Thinks What Was Important Yesterday or Tomorrow.A Winner Thinks What is Important Right Now.A Loser is Stressed About The Past or Worried About The Future.A Winner Enjoys The...Read More...
  • Three Beliefs About Money Which Changed My Life..[FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Share this newsletter Via: WhatsApp LinkedIn, You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Three Beliefs About Money Which Can Change Your Life As Well... 1st Belief:What You Earn, Will Make You Rich.What You Own, Will Make You Wealthy.I consciously calculate my net worth every 3 months shifting my focus from my quarterly sales.And this single change has resulted in multiplying my net worth. 2nd Belief:Richness Talks.Wealth Whisper.Newly Rich People Flaunt their Rich Lifestyle...Read More...
  • I am Sharing My 8 Best Ways To Make Your Future Bigger [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] .. Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, WhatsApp You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! The best way to make your present better is by making your future bigger !Most People are stuck in mediocrity.📌Intentions are mediocre.📌Thoughts are mediocre.📌Actions are mediocre.📌Results are mediocre.📌Goals are mediocre.📌It's time to 10X your results.📌It's time to level up your game.📌It's time to strive for Greatness.📌It's time to make your future bigger.Because Good is the Enemy of...Read More...
  • This is Probably Your Biggest Risk..🔻🔻🔻 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, WhatsApp You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! 🔻No One Predicted The Great Depression. 💸🔻No One Predicted 9/11. ✈️🔻No One Predicted COVID-19. 😷Why ? 🔻🔻🔻You are very good at predicting the future.Still You are surprised by it.Because Risk is what is left after you think you have thought of everything. 🔻Remember, The Biggest Risk is always what You don’t see coming. 🔻Because, If you don’t see coming, You are not prepared for it.🔻So What...Read More...
  • 🤐😇 Shut Your Mouth; Open Your Mind [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! (Apologies if this subject line hurts you.. But I care for you) Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, WhatsApp You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! Today Promise Yourself to Listen Twice As Much As You Speak. 🤐😇 Today Promise Yourself To Be Swift To Hear But Slow to Speak.🤐😇 Today Promise Yourself To Listen More To Learn Something New.🤐😇 Because, When You Talk, You Are Only Repeating What You Already Know,🤐😇 But, When You Listen You Are Giving Yourself An Opportunity To Grow.🤐😇 Because, Talking is Easy. Listening is Hard. So, Today...Read More...
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Three Choices That Can Change Your Life.. [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, WhatsApp You can view all previous newsletters here Hello Reader ! These 3 Choices Changed My Life.. I am sure they will change yours as well... (Dedicated to Jim Rohn) Choice #1 Don’t wish it was easier Wish YOU were better Choice #2 Don’t wish for less challenges Wish for MORE skills Choice #3 Don’t wish for less challenges Wish for MORE wisdom What Choices Are You Selecting Today? Reply To This Email by Typing a 'YES' if you resonate with this ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️...Read More...
  • 21 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 21 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, WhatsApp You can view all previous newsletters here 🎉 Celebrating my 48th Birthday Today 🎂 Reader ! Sharing "21 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 21." These lessons have been pivotal in my journey: 1.Take big risks ✅ I took the biggest risk of my life at age 40. I started coaching Think & Grow Rich when I myself was flat Broke ! Unconventional. Non-Confirming. Unprecedented. This One Decision transformed my life. 2.Enjoy the journey ✅ I was running after...Read More...
  • Don't Work Hard To Become Successful !! [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Majority live with these Rules Reader ! You must work hard to be successful. You must work hard all the time. Stop Being Lazy. WRONG ! I have created my own Rules of Working. Working Hard. Working Really Hard ! And This Has Been The Real Reason of My Success. Let met share them here: I don't have dividing lines between Labour v/s Leisure Education v/s Recreation Skills v/s Expression Structure v/s Spontaneity Productivity v/s Pleasure Efforts v/s Flow I hardly know which is which. I simply...Read More...
  • 🔹🔹🔹 This One Quality is The Hallmark of Every Leader.. [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! All Leaders, listen up. They Are Open To Feedback. I have realized one thing that Your success is directly tied to your ability to listen. And by listening I mean active Listening. To Act on what we learn and apply.Sharing Some Powerful Insights which Feedback can give you. Here's what happens when you actively solicit it:🔹 Trust grows🔹 Ideas flourish🔹 Skills sharpen🔹 Morale improves🔹 Solutions emerge🔹 Innovation sparks🔹 Performance excels🔹 Perspectives broaden🔹 Leadership...Read More...
  • 🌟 6 Powerful Steps to Success ! [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! I am going to share a Very Different Perspective to Achieve Success. 🌟 A Very Deep Perspective. 🌟 A Very Off-Beat Perspective. 🌟 A 100% Sure Shot Perspective to Achieve Success. 🌟 A Perspective that I Followed & Achieved Grand Success. 🌟 Step 1 Efforts- 🌟 For Achieving Success You Have To Make Massive Consistent Actions. Step 2 Mindfulness- 🌟 With Persistent Efforts You Become Mindful and Diligent. Step 3 Concentration- 🌟 With Mindfulness, You Develop the Ability of...Read More...
  • Have You Experienced the Circle of Life ? ⭕️ [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! After 27 Years, I am entering once again.. Entering Narsee Monjee College (N.M.College). My Alma-mater. I am feeling nostalgic. Its been a full circle. ⭕️ 5 Years of Graduation in this building. From 1991 to 1996. Studying Hard Completing Projects All-India Ranking in Foundation Course All- India Ranking in Inter-C.A. Topping College in Economics in T.Y.Bcom. Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities Playing the Keyboard in the College Orchestra (And Impressing Girls 😉)...Read More...
  • Do You Know These 9 Steps To Financial Freedom ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Today, I am sharing 9 Steps which can Guarantee You Financial Freedom. (I am inspired by the Buddha while narrating these 9 Steps) From Right Understanding Proceeds Right Thought From Right Thought Proceeds Right Speech From Right Speech Proceeds Right Action From Right Action Proceeds Right Profession From Right Profession Proceeds Right Effort From Right Effort Proceeds Right Awareness From Right Awareness Proceeds Right Concentration From Right Concentration Proceeds Right...Read More...
  • 10 Virtues I Experienced in Vipassana-2023 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Last Week I embarked on this Journey of 10 Days Vipassana Course where I Learnt & Experienced the 10 Virtues (Paramis) as follows: 1. Renunciation Learn To Renounce. No Attachment. You are Cut-Off From the World for 10 Days. Living Like a Monk. Food & Shelter is on Charity. Nothing to Call Mine. Dissolving Your Ego. 2.Morality To Maintain complete Self-Discipline. Waking Up at 4.00 am.Breakfast at 6:30 am. Lunch at 11:00 am. Lemon Water at 5:00 pm. Lights Off at 9:30 pm. To...Read More...
  • How To Convert Your Adversity into Your Biggest Opportunity ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! I Trusted, But He Cheated Me... My Hard hard-earned money is Stuck... Market Does Not Support My Trades... I Started My Journey... But then COVID hit! And You Can Write Essays on This... On and On and On and On... Napoleon Hill said : "Every adversity carries with it the seeds of an equivalent or a greater benefit" Understand This- Every Failure, Defeat, or Obstacle is Unique to each of us. But The Responses they elicit are the same! Fear Frustration Confusion Helplessness...Read More...
  • Energy Takers v/s Energy Givers ... Where Are You [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! Today Take An Inventory between Energy Takers v/s Energy Givers. Decide once and for all where you are and where you want to be? Energy Takers (List is Not Exhaustive) Too much Screen time Fear, Doubt, Stress Mess & Clutter Junk Food Overthinking Dehydration Workaholic No Exercise Regime Living the Past Too much Sitting Anxiety Etc... Energy Givers (List is Not Exhaustive) Nourishing Food Sunlight Exercise Water/ Hydration Deep Breaths Prayer Meditation Self-care Gratitude...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) Unveiling the Blueprint for Long-Term Success and Beating Instant Gratification Hello Reader ! How I Outwitted My Competition and Became a Winner! Most People Want Instant Gratification. Fast Results Everyone wants to become Financially Free! And the Majority want to achieve this Goal Fast!That’s the Problem!Have You Lost the Long-term Mindset and the Virtues of Consistency and Patience?Let me share How I Follow a Long-Term Path which I learnt from Napoleon Hill in his 1st Principle to Success- Definite Major Purpose Purpose- Long Term & Usually in Decades Goals-...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) 9 Learnings For You Linking Think And Grow Rich & Navratri ! Hello Reader ! Sharing 9 Learnings Common Between Think And Grow Rich & Navratri. Lets Celebrate This Festive Season.Some Key Learnings. 1. Desire For Victory. 😇Lord Rama Had A Strong Desire For His Victory.😊Desire is the Starting Point of All Achievemnt; The 1st Step in Think And Grow Rich. 2. Faith & Belief 😇Lord Rama trusted in his divine mission with unwavering Faith.😊You Too Can Achieve Success Embracing that unwavering faith and belief in your abilities 3. Importance of Mastermind....Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) Unlock the Secret to Lasting Happiness! [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Revealing 7 Proven Strategies for a Life Filled with ❤️Happiness, not 💩Pleasure. What Do YOU Choose Today?❤️Happiness or 💩Pleasure? 💩Pleasure is Short-term❤️Happiness is Long-term 💩Pleasure is Addictive❤️Happiness is Soothing 💩Pleasure is Dopamine❤️Happiness is Serotonin 💩Pleasure is Drugs & Alcohol❤️Happiness is Family and your Loved Ones. 💩Sugar & Shopping Gives Pleasure❤️Bonding & Harmony Gives Happiness 💩You always Crave for More Pleasure❤️You are Satisfied in Happiness...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) Do you Experience Stress & Burn-out ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Sharing These 7 Hacks How I Recharge & Get Peak Performance Results No.1 Take a Digital Fast ☑️ Leave the Smartphone & laptop behind ☑️ Swap your smartphone for an old Feature Phone ☑️ Notify your team of your week-long unavailability Less tech input, more inner connection - Your path to self-discovery. 🌟 No.2. Unplug and Recharge ☑️ Visionaries like Mark Zuckerberg & Steve Jobs found inspiration in our beloved India. ☑️ Bill Gates Recharged with his Think Weeks. Travel for...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) Ditch Multitasking for Success🚫🛠️ [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Do You Believe in Multitasking? 🛠️ Most People in their rush to win the rat race are multitasking. 🛠️ Here are 6 Reasons Why I Never Multi-task 🛠️ and Still Always Win. No.1 Single Task Increases My Power of Retention 🛠️ Multi-tasking makes it harder to remember things No.2. Single Task Increases My Productivity 🛠️ Multi-tasking decreases My Productivity (Though it is counter-intuitive) No.3. Single Task makes me feel calm and in control of the task at hand. 🛠️ Multi-tasking...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) 7 Way to Create Enduring Success ! 🌟🤓 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! In this fast-paced, dynamic world where several Unicorns pop up and go bust every day, I have realized that to ensure long-term success I have to focus on Developing My Character 😇 over My Personality 🧛♂️ Here are 7 Key Differences between These Types of Ethics. No.1 😇 Character Ethics focuses on values & principles 🧛♂️ Personality Ethics focuses on strategies & techniques No.2. 😇 Character Ethics is an inside-out focus 🧛♂️ Personality Ethics is an outside focus No.3. 😇...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) Beware of these 5 Enemies ! 👿👿👿👿👿 { subscriber.first_name }} Hello Reader ! Your path to success and self-improvement can remain a dream if you don't conquer these 5 Enemies. Let's understand each of them and explore their powerful antidotes. No.1 1️⃣ Laziness:👿 Laziness can extinguish your talents and potential, keeping you from achieving your goals. ↪️ Pro-activity:😇 Pro-activity fuels your growth, turning potential into achievements. Take Massive Actions! No.2. 2️⃣ Craving:👿 Uncontrolled cravings lead to distractions and unhealthy habits, hindering...Read More...
  • (2 minute Read) 10 Quotes for 10X Results for you { subscriber.first_name }} Hello Reader ! Sharing with you 10 Powerful Quotes that can 10X Your Results No.1 People Do Not Decide Their Future.↪️ The Decide Their Habits, and Their Habits Decide Their Future By F.M. Alexander No.2. One Day You Will Wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you always wanted.↪️ Do it Now !By Paulo Coelho No.3. The Only Impossible Journey is ↪️ The One You Never Begin. By Tony Robbins No.4. If People are Not Laughing At Your Goals,↪️ Your Goals are Too Small. By Azim...Read More...
  • What Are the 7 Rules To Manifest Your Ideas { subscriber.first_name }} ? Hello Reader ! Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. Lets Decode The 7 Rules To Manifest Your Ideas. No.1 Never Reject an Idea because You See Something Wrong in it.↪️ Your Perspective Can Be Wrong. No.2. 1. Never Reject an Idea because You Won’t Get The Credit.↪️ The Impact of the Idea is much bigger than the Credit. No.3. Never Reject an Idea because You Think it’s Impossible!↪️ Several Impossible Ideas have become Possible...Read More...
  • What Are the 7 No’s For 10X Results { subscriber.first_name }} ? Hello Reader ! As Much As We Emphasize on YES, Saying a NO is equally important if not More. Learn the 7 No’s For 10X Results. No.1 Repeating Mistakes.↪️ I Make Terrible Mistakes. But Repeating Them is Unacceptable. No.2. Trying To Please Everyone.↪️ I Realized This Early. If I please everyone, I can only sell ice-creams. No.3. Chasing Perfectionism.↪️ Nothing is Perfect. Perfection is the biggest excuse for Procrastination. No.4. Waiting for Inspiration.↪️ Break the Word IN-SPIRE. It Starts...Read More...
  • What Are the Top 5 Money Beliefs of All Millionaires?{ subscriber.first_name }} ! Hello Reader ! Being a Ranker Chartered & Gold Medalist MBA, I realized this early. The first step to thinking the way rich people think is to know HOW rich people think. Here are 5 Powerful Distinctions between Rich Thinking & Poor Thinking: No.1 Rich People Play the Money Game To Win. Poor People Play the Money Game Not To Loose. If You Earning Money only to pay your Bills, Trust Me, You will never earn a Rupee more than your Bills! No.2. Rich People Focus on Opportunities.Poor People Focus...Read More...
  • Learn Seven Powerful Methods of Resting To Unleash Your Superpower { subscriber.first_name }} ! Hello Reader ! Work ! Work ! and More Work ! How Are We So Busy Being Busy in the Rat Race ? Earl Nightingale summed up beautifully the Importance of Recreation & Rest when He said - Take The Work Recreation apart... Its when you Re-create... You Bounce Back. Its when you Go Full Throttle.. I am sharing My Seven Powerful Methods of Resting which you can implement #1 Method : Physical Rest- I make sure to sleep atleast 6-7 hours a day... without fail... This Rest gives me the power to perform...Read More...
  • How to come out of a Low Phase in Your Life ? { subscriber.first_name }} Hello Reader ! Its that time of the year that you experience the changes in Season. Especially if you are in Mumbai. Yes! We are here right in the middle of the Heavy Monsoon Season. Where Unless, Normal life is disturbed, You Don’t consider that the Monsoon has set. Yes! Trains Need To Run Late. Schools Need to be Shut. Subways and Roads Need to be have Water Logging. Time in Traffic Needs to be Doubled. And the list is endless. However, as I was experiencing this heavy Monsoon Season, I...Read More...
  • 📝 What's The Choice To Lightspeed Your Success. ? { subscriber.first_name }} Hello Reader ! You One Decision Can Lightspeed Your Success 🚀 Some Facts about me: 🗓️ 2016: My Traditional Family Business on the verge of shutdown. 😔 Father in Semi-comatose Stage, on the death bed. ⚖️ I Decide to venture into Coaching & Training, becoming sole-licensee for India of Napoleon Hill Foundation- USA. 🇺🇸 The Dilemma: 🤔 I am Inundated daily with choices, some easy, some difficult. 😰 I am Paralyzed by fear and overwhelmed by options. 🙅♂️ I am Justifying Indecisiveness with...Read More...
  • 😇 Lets Talk About Success, Purpose & Happiness [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! I have always tried to find out the link between Success, Purpose & Happiness. Read Several Books. Did Several Programs. All Books and Programs were great. But still I could not connect the Dots. Until I Understood & Studied The Seed of Achievement from Earl Nightingale's Classic- Lead the Field. Lets try to connect the dots of this elusive triangle. 1.Success : Success is the Progressive Realization of a Worthy Ideal. Its a Journey. Not a Destination. To Become a Success, You...Read More...
  • 💰 What's Your Relationship with Money ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Money is very Important in our Lives. And I am sharing My Top 10 Experiences with My Relationship with Money. 1.💰Bust the Myth once and for all that Money is Bad or Unimportant. It is not at all bad and it is very very Important. It is just as important as the food and clothes it buys, the shelter it affords and the education it provides us. 2. ⚠️ Never Trade Your Reputation for Money. When in doubt whether to save money or reputation... ALWAYS ! ALWAYS ! run to save your...Read More...
  • Top 10 Things I Learnt From Rich Dad Poor Dad [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! My Younger Son Gifted Me This book about 7 years ago when he was 11. And I am sharing the Top Things I learnt from this book. 1.Rich People Buy Time With Money. Poor People Sell Time For Money. Today. I will do whatever it take to save my time. viz. Automate, Delegate or Completely Delete Unwanted Activities. I believe that Time is my Most Precious Asset. And All Rich People Guard Their Time. 2. Difference Between Assets v/s Liabilities This was a shocker after being a Ranker...Read More...
  • What's The Root Cause of Both Your Bliss & Your Misery ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Human Beings Are God's Highest Form of Creation. There is No other living Creature Superior than Human Beings. When We talk of Human Beings, The Human Mind Matters the Most. When We talk of the Human Mind, apart of all its other marvellous features, Purity of the Mind Matters the Most. A Pure Mind generates Love Compassion Harmony Joy Enthusiasm Hope Desire & Peace of Mind But How Can We Achieve Purity of the Mind ? By removing all the Impurities of the mind; The Mind becomes...Read More...
  • The Success System That Never Fails ! [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! 🔍 Getting Successful is Very Easy ! If You Follow a System A Success System That Never Fails ! Let me Reveal A System That has Created More Successful People Than Any other Success Formula in the World. Think & Grow Rich ! The 13 Steps in this System are : 1️⃣ Desire : Have a burning desire & the first step is ignited!🔥 2️⃣ Faith : Fuelled by desire, Now Develop The Faith that becomes the guiding force that propels you forward.🙏 3️⃣ Autosuggestion : This Step is the Key Stone...Read More...
  • What's the New Definition of Success ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! 🔍 Success has a new meaning when it becomes an integral part of your identity. Lets Understand the New Definition of S U C C E S S 🎯 S : Sense of Direction Get Yourself a Goal Worth Working for. 💡 U : Understanding Distinguish between facts v/s opinions. It doesn’t matter who’s right, but what’s right. 💪 C : Courage Bet on Yourself Have the courage to act on your goals. 🤝 C : Compassion Show Genuine Appreciation. Make the other person feel that he or she is the Most Important...Read More...
  • (Two Minute Read) How To Ignite Team Spirit With These 7 Powerful Hacks [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! 🔥 Team Spirit is an Equation of Human Spirit. 🔥 Every Person in the Team Has to Take Responsibility and It Starts with these 7 Powerful I am Declarations. 1. 🆓 I Release: Releasing Yourself to the Team, Makes You Stronger Because You Know That You have other Team members to help You. 🤝 2. 🙌 I Believe: When You believe that the Combined Intelligence of the mastermind creates a wisdom far beyond your own, Magic Starts To Happen in Team. ✨🧠 3. 🤔 I Understand: It Means Having a...Read More...
  • (Two Minute Read) Check Out The New Age Trio for Ultimate Bliss [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! 1. The Connect Between Power & Action ⚡️ Power is manifesting reality with Velocity. Power also means the ability to Act. In order to become powerful… ACT ! 2. The Connect Between Action & Giving 😊 Giving Pleasure to even one heart by a small act is better than all the intellectual reasoning. When in Action, Focus on Giving. The Receiving will take care of itself. 3. The Connect Between Giving & Happiness 😇 The Impact of Giving is All Pervasive. The Action taker, the Action...Read More...
  • (Two Minute Read) 15 practical tips to enhance your self-image [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Here are 15 Practical Tips to enhance Your Self-Image. 1.Love Yourself: Embrace your unique qualities and appreciate the amazing person you are. 2. Your Physical Appearance: Take care of yourself physically, as it can positively impact your self-perception. 3. Read Autobiographies: Dive into inspiring life stories to gain valuable insights and perspective. 4. Listen To Inspirational Speeches: Seek motivation from powerful orators who inspire greatness. 5. Accomplishment...Read More...
  • (One Minute Read) 5 Invaluable Things Which No AI Tool can Replace (As Yet) [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Artificial Intelligence or AI is revolutionising our work with unprecedented scope & creativity. Everyone is talking about how to harness the power of AI. However, I Believe that No AI Tool Can Replace these 5 Invaluable Things: #1 The Unconditional Love of Your Family Members & Friends #2 The Ability to Tap Your 6th Sense & Intuition #3 The Hope, Desire, Ambition of Human Spirit #4 The Super-power of Your Imagination encompassing all Knowledge #5 Your Unwavering Faith of Never...Read More...
  • (Two Minute Read) ⏳ 1/3 of Your Life is Wasted if You Don't Use This Hack [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Hello Reader ! Sounds Scary ! But its True ! In Fact, its not a Hack. But its Your Higher Faculty which is Given to You right From Birth. Free & Clear. And its YOUR IMAGINATION. If you are sleeping 8 Hours a day, 1/3 of Your Life, You Are Sleeping. Consider what you are capable of doing in this dream state. In This state, You Break Your Agreement with Your Reality. You Manifest Everything with the Power of Your Thoughts. You Have No Concept of Time. And the Best Part, In this Dream State, You...Read More...
  • (Two Minute Read) ⏳ Do You Know These 18 New Ideas on Time ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! No This Email is Not About Time Management Techniques. Its about 18 New Ideas on Time beyond Managing it. 1. ⏳ Time & Energy are Inter-Dependent, using energy to change everything in the Universe. 2. ⏳ Time is the great healer of wounds, both physical and mental. 3. ⏳ Time is the transformer of all causes into their appropriate effects. 4. ⏳ Time trades irrational youth for maturity of age and wisdom ! 5. ⏳ Time transmutes the frustrations of our daily lives into courage,...Read More...
  • (Two Minute Read) 🎯 Do You Know These 11 Ideas About Your Goals ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Seems Ironical, But Most People Do NOT Have Goals In Life ! Being Healthy is NOT a Goal- Nobody wants to be Sick in life. Being Wealthy is NOT a Goal- More Money is Too Vague. Being Happy is NOT a Goal- Happiness is a By-Product. Let me Share 11 Ideas Around This Simple Yet Misunderstood Concept About Goals: 🎯1. People With Goals Know Exactly What They Want. They have a vision and that vision carries them over every obstacle. 🎯2. We become what we think about. And when we’re...Read More...
  • 🖐🏻 Want To Solve 5 Killer Problems Which Are Preventing You To Build Winning Habits ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! All Winners are Winners Because of Winning Habits ! What Stops You From Becoming A Winner ? If You Think it is Lack of Winning Habits, then Read On. 5 Killer Problems that Prevent Building Winning Habits. #1 Lack of Clarity- Most People Are Not Clear What Constitutes A Habit; Remember Clarity is Power; Complexity is Confusion. #2 Lack of Action Plan- Stop Wishing To Build Winning Habits; Instead Have A Specific Measurable Intention to Execute That Plan. #3 Lack of Tracking &...Read More...
  • 🪜 What's the difference between Wishing v/s Winning [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! Why Less Than 2% Win in Life despite 100% Wish to Win ? Let Me Explain in 6 Simple Steps (Source: The Napoleon Hill Foundation- USA, based on Research of 25000 people) Step #1 : The vast majority of people go through life by merely wishing for things. (About 70 %) Step #2 : A portion of them develop their wishes into desires. (About 10%) Step #3 : A part of them develop their wishes and desires into hopes. (About 8%) Step #4 : A small portion step their mind-power upto where it...Read More...
  • Hi [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone NOW ! Hello Reader ! Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routine, day in and day out? Did you know that staying within your comfort zone can limit your personal growth and hinder your ability to seize new opportunities? Let's break free from the monotony and start living our best lives! 🚀 🌟 Top 5 reasons why people stay in their comfort zones 🌟 1. Fear of Failure: Many people are afraid to step out of their comfort zones because they fear that they might fail in new challenges. 2. Lack...Read More...
  • Hi [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Check Out These 5 Laws to Live An Enriched Life... Hello Reader ! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve success more easily than others? If Yes then Understand These 5 Laws of Life to guarantee your Breakthrough success. 1.The First Law of Life is the Law of Cause & Effect. This law is based on the Aristotelian Principle of Causality, which states that everything happens for a reason; For every effect, there is a specific cause. Understanding this law was the biggest breakthrough for me. 2.The Second Law of Life is the Law of...Read More...
  • Hi [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! Ready To Master the Mindset ? Tips for Cultivating the Best Attitude Hello Reader ! My Mentor Earl Nightingale said That Attitude is the Magic Word. Attitude is the Distinguishing Factor Between All Success & Failure. Attitude is a combination of Your Thoughts Feelings Actions Yes ! Attitude is the Magic Word ! Our Attitude tells the world what we expect in return. It is defined as the position or bearing as indicating action, feeling, or mood. Watch This Video For Detailed Explanation ! Our attitude is something we can control. We can establish our attitude...Read More...
  • Want To Achieve Massive March Ending Sales [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. Hello Reader ! March is that time of the Year where everyone wants to Achieve Record Sales. I am Sharing 7 Powerful Tips on Marketing & Sales that will help you to Sky Rocket Your March Ending Sales ! #1 What's the Difference Between Good Marketing & Bad Marketing ? Good Marketing Speaks For Us Bad Marketing Speaks At Us ! #2 What is the Perfect Time To Close A Sale ? As Soon As You Have Established Significant Value in Your Prospect's Mind #3 Why TRUST is Important in Sales ? The Word TRUST...Read More...
  • How To Build A Legacy Brand Like Napoleon Hill [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. Hello Reader ! I am privileged & honoured to be the Master Franchisee for India of The Napoleon Hill Foundation- India. But How I am Building This Legacy Brand? And How Can You Build Something Which Can Stand The Test of Time? So Lets Understand First- What is a Legacy? A Legacy is creating a lasting impact on the world. It’s a gift that we have received from our earlier generations. And it’s our responsibility to pass it down through generations. And What is The Legacy of Napoleon Hill? It...Read More...
  • Do you Want To Develop Unwavering Faith [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. Hello Reader ! Here is Arguably the Best Definition of Faith That I have Ever come across: Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible ! How To Develop Faith ? Everyone Preaches.. But No One Teaches... How To Develop Faith ! So here is a Golden Tip to Develop Faith : Repetition of Affirmation of Orders to the Subconscious Mind is the only Known Method of Voluntary Development of Faith...Read More...
  • ⭐️ Do You Want To Eliminate The Procrastination Habit [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. Hello Reader ! Have You Every Procrastinated About : Tasks Like Cleaning, Repairing, Paying Bills Staying in a Job which you Hate Hanging onto a Relationship which is Emotional Atyachaar ! Tackling Addictions like smoking, alcohol, drugs, pills, Starting Your Diet or workout tomorrow or next week ? Or Simply Waiting For Things To Improve ? Let me Tell You - No Amount of Motivation is going to Help You. So How do you Eliminate Your Procrastination Habit ? Follow My Simple Hacks : i) Start To...Read More...
  • 🤔 What is the Ultimate Hack of Discipline [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. Hello Reader ! My Mentor Bob Proctor defined Discipline as Discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and then follow it ! Discipline is Predictive. One can foresee a Disciplined Person to be Successful. Discipline is also Deterministic. It ensures success and accomplishment. Are You Disciplined ? In You Ability to Work Hard To Say a No To Practice good Habits To Set Boundaries To Train Yourself To Prepare To Ignore Temptations especially of Food, Alcohol & Sex To Keep Your Emotions...Read More...
  • 🤔 Do You Want To Eliminate The Worry Habit [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. FHello Reader ! Have You Every Worried About : Your children Your Health You Dying Your Job, Business or Profession The Economy Your Family's Happiness 'Am I Doing The Right Thing'? Accidents 'What Others will Think? Your Weight Money Your Old Car Your Bills The Weather Getting Old Public Speaking ? And Finally The Most Ironic one - 'Having Nothing To Worry About ?' Let me Tell You - There is Nothing To Worry About ! Absolutely Nothing ! Its good to be planning for the future, to be loving...Read More...
  • 🤔 What is Your Choice Today [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ?.. Hello Reader ! Everyday we have a choice. It's a Daily Challenge. One we face not once. But Constantly. Repeatedly. Ask Yourself Today : Will You be Selfish or Selfless ? Will You Be Brave or Afraid ? Will You be Strong or Weak ? Will You be Wise or Stupid ? Will You be Cultivate a Good Habit or Bad One ? Will You Select Courage or Cowardice ? Will You Select the Bliss of Ignorance or the Challenge of a New Idea ? Will You Stay The same or Grow ? Will You Select the Easy Way or the Right Way...Read More...
  • 🙋🏻‍♂️ Do You Know The 7 Most Powerful Functions of Your Mind ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! What is stopping Us, from Tapping our Potential of Our Mind? Perhaps, Its The Ignorance on The Key Functions of Our Mind. Lets Break Down each of the Key Functions of Our Mind : 1. The First Key Function - Decision To Make The Right Decision- To Do & Think Right 2. The Second Key Function - Refusal Refusal of all Temptations especially of Food, Alcohol & Sex. 3. The Third Key Function- Craving Craving To Be Better, To Grow, To Continuously Improve 4. The Fourth Key Function-...Read More...
  • ⚡️ What Are The Two Most Powerful Words You Can Use To Conquer Your Troubles in 2023 ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! There are no two words in the English Language which stand out as powerful as the words "I WILL" The Words "I WILL" have strength, depth and solidity. The Have The Power of Decision, Determination, Vigour & Individuality. The Words "I WILL" can take you to triumph over difficulties. They Can take you to Victory in the face of discouragement. Promise Yourself Today As You Read This Email: I am not going to be passive and forgotten. I am not going to stop advancing and fall back....Read More...
  • ⭐️ Want To Know My Top 10 Affirmations of 2022 To Conquer Your Fears ? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] Hello Reader ! Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for making 2022 My absolute best year yet ! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Affirmations have played an immense role in my stupendous success. And after reading hundreds of books and doing hundreds of programs, I want to share my Top 10 Affirmations for 2022. Here we Go ! ONE STEP AT A TIME I IMPROVE AND ACHIEVE MY GOALS WHATEVER HAPPENS, I CAN HANDLE IT! I TAKE ACTIONS AND INVITE OTHERS INTO MY LIFE I FOCUS...Read More...
  • 😁 When Did You Last Laugh [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! "A Day Without Laugher is a Day Wasted" Charlie Chaplin Do you know the power of laughter, of good cheer, of constant unrepressed expression of joy and gladness? Laughter is undoubtedly one of Nature's greatest tonics. Laughter lubricates the mental bearings. Laughter prevents the friction in your personal and professional life. Laughter is a divine gift bestowed upon us. Laughter is a health-promoter. Laughter is a joy-generator. Laughter is a success-maker. Laughter is an...Read More...
  • 💡Are You Really Optimistic [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? or.... Hello Reader ! "Optimism is keeping one's head pointed towards the sun, and one's feet moving forward" Nelson Mandela Pessimism gives fear a chance to get in its deadly work and make cowards of us. Pessimism is an abnormal condition. The Creator never intended that man should be a pessimist. Every Man should be ashamed of being Pessimistic which he can prevent, because Pessimism makes a man think less of himself. Pessimism saps your courage. Pessimism shakes your self-confidence. Pessimism...Read More...
  • 🧠 Do You, Can You Doubt The Power of Your Brain [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! "The Brain is a muscle, that can move the world" Stephen King. Neuroscientists have estimated that 98% of what we know about the Brain, we have learned within the last decade. Our Brain contains a network of about 1,00,000 miles of blood vessels. Our Brain has 100 Billion Neurons, with the capacity to perform some 10 Quadrillion operations per second ! The Human Body is designed to treat the Brain like the King it is; There is no organ in the body that receives better or more...Read More...
  • 😇 Do You Have Faith [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! "Faith is taking the 1st Step Even when You Don't See the whole staircase" Martin Luther King Jr. Faith and Fear are the two opposite ends of the pole. Lets Test out on which side you are skewed or are imbalanced- Faith or Fear Faith evolves a great leader whose vision knows no bounds; Fear creates a cringing follower. Faith makes you courageous and honourable; Fear makes you dishonest & undependable. Faith causes you to look for and expect the best; Fear causes you to look for...Read More...
  • Are You Enthusiastic [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? Hello Reader ! "Nothing great was ever achieved without Enthusiasm" Ralph Waldo Emerson He who possesses the source of Enthusiasm will achieve great things. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up Enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. What is The Magic Mantra of Enthusiasm ? Act Enthusiastic To Be Enthusiastic ! Remember, a mediocre idea that generates Enthusiasm, will go further than a great idea that inspires no one. What is the connection between Faith & Enthusiasm ? Enthusiasm beats money and...Read More...
  • 😇 🤩 Want To Know The Top 7 Core Beliefs of Success [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? 😇 🤩 Hello Reader ! "The Mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of hell, A Hell of Heaven." John Milton The World we live in is the world we choose to live in. The Same is True For Your Beliefs. You Have to Find the beliefs that support your outcome. The Beliefs that get you where you want to go ! So Let's Begin ! Belief #1: Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us Start Believing that every adversity contains the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit....Read More...
  • 🔡 🔠 Do Want To Develop The Vocabulary for Ultimate Success ? 🔡 🔠 Hello Reader ! "In the beginning was the Word..." John 1:1 The Words Your Consistently Select Will Shape Your Destiny. Words. They Make Us Laugh They Make Us Cry They Can Wound They Can Heal They Offer Us Hope They Offer Us Despair With Words we can make our intentions felt. With Words we can make our deepest desires known. Words can not only create emotions. Words can shape the course of destiny. Words Form our Beliefs. And Our Beliefs can be changed by Words as well. Words you habitually...Read More...
  • Do You Want To Know The Difference Between Wishing & Believing? Hello Reader ! "Only in the Darkness Can You See the Stars" Martin Luther King Jr. The Difference Between Wishing & Believing. Majority of People never discover this vital difference. Nor do they recognize that there are 6 Steps which you have to follow To Convert Your Wishful Thinking into Believing. Let's Understand The Six Steps. Analyse Which Step Are You On? Step #1 Majority of people go through life by merely wishing for things. 70% of people stop at wishing! Step #2 If You Are Able To...Read More...
  • 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️Do You Follow The Golden Rule OR The Rule of Gold? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️ Hello Reader ! "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You" Matthew 7:12 This is the Golden Rule. The Rule that nearly everyone preaches but few people practice. Why? It's Lack of Understanding. Most People interpret the Golden Rule as if its meaning is Not to do unto others as if they were the others, but to do others and do them plenty before others do them ! Read This Statement Once Again. Did You Really Understand It? And Yes... Are You Practicing It? Perhaps Not ! Most So Called...Read More...
  • 🚗🏠💰 Do You Own Your Possessions or Your Possessions Own You? 🚗🏠💰 Hello Reader ! "Less is More" - Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe The Gentleman makes things his servants. The Petty man is servant to things. Aim To Have Less Things in Life. Get Rid of Your Stuff. You Can Only Loose What You Have. If You Aim to be Attached to Less Things in Life, You Will Not Loose Much. Do Not Let the Things we own in the Physical World end up owning us. Have a look at Mark Zuckerberg’s wardrobe, posted on his Facebook page Why Most Highly Productive and Successful People are...Read More...
  • 🕟 🕰 🧨 What's Your Relationship With Time ? 🕟 🕰 🧨 Hello Reader ! "Character is Power-- is Influence, It Makes Friends, Creates funds, Draws Support; And Open A Sure & Easy Way to Wealth, Honour & Happiness" - J. Hawes In Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions in the Chapter of Persistence That, Persistence is to the Character of Man As Carbon is to Steel. If You Want To Build A Sterner Character and Truly Think & Grow Rich, Read On ! Character is Power. Even in a child. Character Gives Confidence. Genius or Character ? It is said that...Read More...
  • 🕟 🕰 🧨 What's Your Relationship With Time ? 🕟 🕰 🧨 Hello Reader ! "Time Goes, You Say? Oh No! Alas, Time Stays, We Go !!" - Henry Austin Dobson In The Laws of Success, Napoleon Hill mentions that Budgeting Time is one of the Key Principles of Success which unlocks The Master Key to Riches. I am going to share with you few perspectives of Time which will completely change your relationship with Time and thereby Multiplying Your Productivity & Effectiveness by 10X. Read On ! Time is Precious. We All Know that. Then Why should we waste even one...Read More...
  • ⚖️ 🧧 ⚖️ What Do You Want .. Chaos or Control in Your Life ? ⚖️ 🧧 ⚖️ Hello Reader ! "The Mind is Restless" Chapter 6 Verse 34- Bhagavad Gita In The Laws of Success, Napoleon Hill mentions that Self Control is crucial to possess The Master Key to Success. Self Control & Stillness are closely connected. A Person who has mastered the key to Stillness of the mind and has complete Self-Control can truly determine the course of his or her destiny. Let's Therefore Understand This Virtue of Self-Control & Stillness. Let's Toughen our Nerves against all sort of chaos...Read More...
  • 🤵‍♂️🕺 What Do You Prefer ? Beautiful or Personality .. The Ultimate Paradox 💃👩‍💼 Hello Reader ! "Beauty only gets attention, but Personality captures the heart.” Marilyn Monroe Napoleon Hill mentions that the 5th Principle of Success is a Pleasing Personality A Pleasing Personality is defined as the aggregate of all the agreeable, likeable and gratifying qualities of any one individual. Your Personality is your greatest asset or your greatest liability, for it embraces everything that you Control: Your Mind Your Body Your Soul Remember this.. that in this game of life,...Read More...
  • 🙇‍♂️❌🤷‍♂️Has The Thought of Giving Up Ever Crossed Your Mind [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ? 🙇‍♂️❌🤷‍♂️ Hello Reader ! "Victory belongs to the most persevering" Napoleon Bonaparte In Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions that the 8th Step to Riches is Persistence. Persistence is defined as the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. The basis of Persistence is the power of will. "Every noble work is at first impossible-" Carlyle. 'If you work hard two weeks without selling a book, you will make a success of it', wrote a publisher to an...Read More...